ARBICID আরবিসিড

রাসায়নিক জীবাণুনাশক (আরবিসিড) ভাইরাল রোগের নিয়ন্ত্রক Special features of ARBICID:

Broad spectrum (avian influenza virus, infectious chicken anemia, infectious chicken bursitis avian reovirus infection, respiratory reproductive syndrome, FMD, coliform bacteria, tuberculosis mycobacteria, and spore-forming bacteria, fungi (including sporulating yeast, yeasts and molds).

Fast acting

Non corrosive


Veterinary and medical products including instruments

Animal farm, Hatchery, slaughterhouse, Industry premises & equipments


1 L. Contains.

Alkyl-dimeth, Benzyl Ammonium Chloride 140.6 mg

Didecyl dimethyl Ammonium eldonide 78.0mg

Glufenaldehyd- 107.25mg

Instructions for Use:

Clean the surfaces with a proper detergent.

After rinsing and drying, do as follows

Nonspecific diseases 1L Arbicid + 400 L of water

Disease outbreaks- 1 L Arbicid + 200 L of water

Aerial disinfection (fogging) - 1 L Arbicid + 4 L of water

Spray- 5 ML Arbicid + 1 L of water

Appropriate minimum contact time (20 minutes) Areas should be rinsed thoroughly and allowed to dry before animals are returned to the area.

Pack Size: 1 Litre.

Country of origin: Russia